Day 88, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

In the midst of storm Katie down on Kessingland beach.  I was armed with only a small sketch book this morning as anything bigger would have been too difficult to keep hold of. The sea this morning was bubbling with fury in the +40mph winds with gull whipping along. Also the sand was whipping along on the surface. This was one of a few very quick sketches trying to get home before the rain that could be seen in the on coming black clouds.

storm katie 88kate in storm katie 88

Day 87, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Back down the coast from Kessingland and a walk to Benacre Broad. Again the sea was very rough and the sun was in and out of the clouds. These pieces of tree are sitting on the clay at the northern end of the broad, they are really smooth and pale in colour. Some still have their root systems as they were wrenched from the cliffs most likely on the southern side of the broad.

benacre driftwood 87