Day 142, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

A stroll along the beach from Kessingland to Pakefield. A little chilly with a stiff southerly, not a particularly high tide so no erosion by the waves but the strong wind is causing large mounds of sand to be eroded and deposited at the bottom of the cliffs. At high tide there is a slight bank of shingle with it being lower behind so that when the waves hit the shore they roll over the bank in rivulets.

kessingland beach sketch 142


Day 141, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Found all along our shingle beaches Crambe Maritima (Sea Kale). When the leaves first broke through some weeks ago they were a fantastic purple. Several weeks later they are now a blue green and are in full flower with delicate small white flowers. I also noted that they have a fantastic scent like rich honey which was quite a surprise and something you do not pick up on as you walk past, only when you smell the flowers.

Sea Kale sketch 141