After Open Studios in Norwich the sketch has had to wait until an evening walk on Kessingland beach. This large tree trunk was washed up during the winter storms and most probably came from Benacre.
Day 163, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
A fine morning for kayaking around the Bungay loop. Couldn’t go as far as planned due to a tree that was across the whole width of the river. On the way back these bullocks were standing in the water although most of them retreated this one stood for ages and long enough to draw a sketch.
Day 162, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Just southof the sluice at Kessingland near to Benacre this Pill box already sketched from the beach. Once on the cliff erosion by waves has undermined the pill box and it now lies at the bottom of the cliff.
Day 161, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
I have always admired this rudder outside of the sailors reading rooms in Southwold. It once belonged to the beach yawl “Bittern” one of many that used to be homed on Southwold beach.
Day 160, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
From my friend Dot’s garden this Quaking Grass (Briza media).