Day 217, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Halesworth Gallery window

Having delivered my latest paintings to the “Inspired By Becker” exhibition on this weekend at Whenhasten in Suffolk in the morning I have a little more time to hand.

But this afternoon has been spent gallery sitting at Halesworth Gallery so whilst there I have drawn one of the very old windows which is part of this magnificent building. The building is mentioned in 1478, but the almshouse was built in 1686.

Gallery window sketch 217

Day 216, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge


After a day in the studio finishing my paintings and drawings for the Inspired by Becker exhibition time has not left no time for my sketch, so I have dived into my kitchen and picked up these 3 pears. They represent a chance to use their shadows to produce their shape and form.

pears sketch 216