Day 248, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Lavender sketch

Sorry for the delay in posting this sketch on my website I have been away at at my Niece’s wedding and as yet have not found a way of uploading to my website with only my phone. I did manage to get this posted on Facebook, Instagram and twitter. This was sketch as the light faded sitting outside with a patio heater and several little midges where Lavender had been a bit of a theme at Nicola and Andrew’s wedding day. Good luck to you both.

Lavender sketch 248

Day 245, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Ivy buds

The Ivy that grows in my garden is a wonderful for habitat and food plant for wildlife. Mostly it is a wonderful year round refuge, but it’s flowers are also a great pollen source, My Ivy is gettingĀ  close to flowering, at the moment I love the tightly closed flower balls.

ivy sketch 245