Day 284, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Black Bryony (Tamus communis)

I find this a strange name as the plant is defined by it’s startling red shiny berries as it climbs and twists away from the hedgerow. A highly poisonous plant and a member of the Yam Family as Autumn and Winter progress the leaves will die back completely until just the withered twisted stems of Red Berries remain.

Black Bryony 284

Day 282, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

South Lookout Tower, Aldeburgh

Sitting on the beach one of two lookout towers. A Grade II listed square 3 story building built in the 1830’s as a lookout tower for ships in distress.

The small room at the top,accessed via the spiral staircase gives wonderful views across the North sea through the large East facing window. A hit and miss day with lots of rain showers which thankfully just kept at bay long enough for this sketch.

The South lookout 282