Joiners Sliding Bevel
Another from my friend Alain’s Shipbuilding toolbox.
Paintings and Prints of the East Anglian Coast
Another from my friend Alain’s Shipbuilding toolbox.
These pine Trees were sketch from Wood Lane in Henstead, Suffolk. Several pheasants were foraging in the field.
When I cut these they were pristine but during the course of the sketch they had started to brown stain.
Thanks to my friend Alain for lending me a box of his boat building tools, from within I have found this old Stanley plane.
Well it’s nearly Christmas and I happened upon some Mistletoe (Viscum Album) a hemiparasitic plant that gets all it’s water and nutrients from it’s host plant. I should explain hemiparasitic as apposed to parasitic, this is because the Mistletoe does use photosynthesis for a short period of it’s life cycle.