Apologies for the re post but I have been hacked and the post was replaced. So here is the post again
Down on the Blackshore
A cold blowy day to be outside painting and I must admit not my favorite time of year for this. But this is why it is a challenge and I am finding value in it for myself, the discipline of just getting out there. A least on this day it was not so dull and the forecast for the next few days wasn’t great.
As so often I have ended up in Southwold down with the fishing boats on the Blackshore and I have tucked myself out of the wind as much as possible.
The boards I am painting on are about A4 in size, so not too large, this one however I primed and the surface came out in a very rough texture. I struggled to begin with fighting with the surface until suddenly I realised I could use it to my advantage and keep the brush strokes a little more open than usual for me. So the end result I have surprisingly found quite pleasing although maybe not quite how I intended it to be. And no surprise the odd seagull flying round.