Couple of shallots grown by my mum that will make it into supper at some point. The shadows helps with the overall form, and the roots leave you in no doubt what they are. In 3 minutes you have to find the important features that define the subject.

Butternut squash
With the cold weather coming this will form part of some hearty stew. Squashes don’t give you much to use from a textural point of view so the shape is critical to defining them.

Printing baron
These are used to burnish the print onto paper for lino cuts. I must confess I have never found great joy in using this one and prefer a wooded spoon. So at least this can serve a a sketch subject.

My trusty Doc martins
Love my red boots and as you can tell I hope that they are well worn and loved, slightly baggy which is great as they are soft and comfortable. Red with a buckle!

Looking north from Southwold pier
With my asthma being so bad I have managed so few outdoor sketches and despite the sketches being just 3minutes I intend for many to be landscapes. So I managed this from within the cafe looking out the window.

Beach pebble
Again another from subjects within my studio that was sitting on the window sill. Just a plain grey pebble smooth from the sea.

Note book
Another simple object but here getting the perceptive correct is crucial . Simple lines give the feeling of may pages all slightly open to different degrees. Lighting the subject to give it shadows helps again in defining the form.