Pheasant Feather I found this rooting around in Reydon Churchyard, a beautiful tail feather from a cock Pheasant.
Category Archives: Southwold
Day 274, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Pegasus off Southwold The supply vessel Pegasus lying offshore at Southwold with bars of shadows on the sea from the clouds.
Day 270, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Southwold Harbour Viewed from the marshes towards the Harbour at Southwold. In the distance is Walberswick church.
Day 262, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Tinkers Marsh Walking from Southwold over the bridge and up river on the Walberswick side. Great wildlife today with Barnacle Geese, Wigeon, Common Sandpipers, Bearded Reedlings, Meadow Pipits, Buzzard, Redshank, Heron and Egret. This view is from the bank of Tinkers marsh looking up towards Wolsey’s Creek, on the left a Cormorant with wings outstretched.
Day 257, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Sitting on Southwold beach It is mid September and there are numerous people swimming in the sea and sitting on the beach at Southwold. What a summer and long may it continue as it makes my sketch a day challenge much easier.