Day 279, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Gravestone at Dunwich The last remaining gravestone from the graveyard surrounding All Saints church. The gravestone is perilously close to the cliff edge now at in the not to distant future it will disappear into the North sea. When Jacob Forster was buried this will have been a long way from the Sea.

Day 276, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Lowestoft Lighthouse As viewed from Sparrows Nest near the the Maritime museum. Lowestoft’s lighthouse sits on the top of the cliff above the Denes 37M above sea level and was built by Trinity House in 1874. It has a familiar design to the lighthouse in Southwold which was built in 1887.

Day 275, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge

Dunwich Coastguard cottages Finally. Last time I stood here ready to sketch this view it started to rain and I had to retreat inside and sketch from within Today even though there has been some rain it was fair enough to sketch the original view.