Oulton Broad Sitting on the banks of Oulton Broad at The Commadore pub. A grey afternoon with very little wind although a few blue sailed dingys sailed in the distance, in foreground several gulls floating on the water.
Author Archives: admin
Day 303, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Carlton marshes It was a very warm (for late October) morning with a beautiful hazy autumnal landscape with soft mist. This was a view from the bank of the River Waveney looking back towards the Suffolk Wildlife Trust reserve. As I sketched a beautiful group of swans flew past.
Day 302, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Kessingland Church Looking back towards Kessingland church from further down the cart path today.
Day 301, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
White Campion Still flowering in the hedgerow on the cart path running by Kessingland church. It seems very late in the year but very pleased to find this still flowering. White Campion (Silene latifolia) flowers are open all day and night but it is at night that it produces a strong scent to attract feeding …
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Day 300, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Looking across to Walberswick Another landmark in this challenge as today is sketch 300, so just 66 to go. Today a favorite view of mine looking across the River Blyth on the Blackshore, Souuthwold towards St Andrews church in Walberswick.