River Alde at Iken This view is on the footpath that runs between Snape and Iken. This mooring stage is close to Iken and at low tide is stranded out of the water. There were plenty flocks of Godwits and Redshanks that were constantly flying over the reedbeds.
Author Archives: admin
Day 322, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Oak tree at South Cove This tree has a beautiful shape, still with the majority of it’s leaves at South Cove, Suffolk.
Day 321, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Sulphur Tuft Fungi I have spent the day at RSPB Minsmere where we have been doing some repair work to the Stag sculpture outside the discovery center. Whilst there I found this clump of Sulphur tuft fungi (Hypholoma fasciculare) for today’s sketch.
Day 320, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Kessingland beach high tide With the super moon a really high tide has left a bit of a back lagoon. Beach is changing on a daily basis with vast amounts of shingle being moved and a really high strand line.
Day 319, of my 2016 sketch a day challenge
Feathers from the beach Found on Kessingland beach these two feathers. One looks like a Pigeon feather the other probably a Gull.